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While we ship nationwide, there are a handful of zip codes that remain outside the network. In the unlikely event your order cannot be sent to your shipping address, we will contact you via email and your order will be refunded. We cannot ship to UT, MI, ND, KY, SD, NH, MS or PA.
Shipping is calculated by weight, BUT there are significant price breaks for 3, 6, 9, and 12 bottle orders, (as well as at increments of 3 for orders over 12 bottles). Be forewarned it is WILDLY expensive to ship a single bottle of wine. The cost of shipping per bottle goes down by almost half when shipping 2 bottles compared to just one, and gets more economical from there.
Temp Controlled Shipping - If you choose temp controlled shipping, please (CLICK HERE) so you are aware of what to expect for transit times and tracking details.
Shipping times and procedures vary from region to region - for details on rates and delivery times for your order please click HERE. In order to minimize tine in transit, we try to ship most orders on Monday.
Insurance for the dollar value of the contents of your shipment are by default included in the shipping price quoted above.
Use the delivery estimates for your region to decide when to place your order (for a list of delivery times by region click HERE). If requested, Patrick Neri Selections will hold your package(s) for up to 4 months until notified from you that you are comfortable to ship.
All sales are considered final. Packages returned as undeliverable or refused will be charged a 15% restocking fee.